Letra Childeren Of Kosovo de Kelly Family original
I believe someone´s out there
who´s gonna help me give
a nameless
child loving care
I believe you are out there
you´re gonna help me give the
children loving care
So much hate has turned
to vengeance
Al the laughter has turned
to crying
while the mothers lose
their children
from the war
I am hungry and I´m cold and
I have no one to hold for
my mother and my father are
dead and gone
whrere do I belong
This children of Kosovo
are crying for a helping hand
the children of Kosovo
are dreamning of a peaceful land
They have beaten my
older brother
they have torn away my sister
I`m afraid I want revenge
Is there no other way
Let´s hold our hands tightly together
and think as one forever
You andI can make a
change for a better world
no more war