Letra traducida Normal de Baha Men al español (letra canción original y traducción)
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Letra Normal de Baha Men original

Normal (tell me what you think is)
Normal (is there more than one way to be)
Normal (If I do what you say am I)

Well I'm just a normal guy in a normal world
I live a normal life. I got a normal girl
I drive to normal places in my normal car
I even wish upon the normal stars
But people say it isn't normal
If I want to pierce my nose
Or if I let a blind man design my clothes
Or if I pick the petals leave the thorns upon my rose
Or if I just want to paint my toes

People say it's not
Normal (tell me what you think is)
Normal (is there more than one way to be)
Normal (I really think I'm okay and that's)

My momma say's it isn't normal if I wanna sleep all day
If I don't get a normal job, I'll throw my life away
She says I should go to school to get my B.A.
But me, I want to be a DJ
My friends say it isn't normal if I don't want to touch that stuff
But I don't need to follow no one, I'm already cool enough
You say I gotta be name brand, but I'm gonna call your bluff
And if you don't like it that's tough.

Normal (tell me what you think is)
Normal (is there more than one way to be)
Normal (I really think I'm okay and that's)

Once upon a time there was a man who had a wife
A couple kids, a cat, a dog. He thought he had a perfect life
That's not for me
Because I wanna be
I wanna be a painter
And I want to be an actor and a sculptor
Or a clown
Maybe I wanna drive a tractor
Why can't you see, that's normal to me
To me, that's normal

So what-if I don't like the food you eat
So what if you don't like to dance to my beat
So what if you're expensive and you think I'm cheap
So what does that make me incomplete?
So what if I don't want to come my hair
So what. Judging me, that's really unfair
So what, I only listen to the man up there
And I bet you he thinks I'm normal

I am my own man, so I do what I will
Every individual has their own skill
We all set goals that we want to fulfill
Whether a butcher, a baker, a computer maker
It's your life so do what you wanna do
You got one life to live, you don't have two
To yourself to yourself, you gotta be true
And that's gonna make you normal

Normal (tell me what you think is)
Normal (is there more than one way to be)
Normal (I really think I'm okay and that's)

Don't want to do what you say,
I want to do what I do
And that's normal

Don't have to do what you say, that's normal
I want to do what I do Everybody's normal
I'm normal, that's normal, that's normal

Letra Normal de Baha Men en español (traducción)

Normal (dime lo que piensas es)
Normal (hay más de una forma de ser)
Normal (Si hago lo que decís que soy yo)

Bueno, yo sólo soy un tipo normal en un mundo normal
Yo vivo una vida normal. Tengo una chica normal
Yo conduzco a los lugares normales en mi coche normal
Incluso un deseo a las estrellas normales
Pero la gente dice que no es normal
Si quiero perforar la nariz
O si lo dejo a un hombre ciego diseñar mi ropa
O si recojo los pétalos dejan las espinas a mi rosa
O si sólo quiero pintar mis dedos de los pies

La gente dice que no es
Normal (dime lo que piensas es)
Normal (hay más de una forma de ser)
Normal (realmente creo que estoy bien y eso es)

Mi mamá de Say no es normal que si quiero dormir todo el día
Si no tengo un trabajo normal, voy a desperdiciar mi vida
Ella dice que yo debería ir a la escuela para obtener mi licenciatura
Pero yo, quiero ser un DJ
Mis amigos dicen que no es normal, si no quieren tocar ese material
Pero no tiene que seguir a nadie, ya estoy lo suficientemente fría
Usted dice que tengo que ser de marca, pero voy a llamar a su farol
Y si no te gusta eso es difícil.

Normal (digo m

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